Here at the Youth Action Project we pride ourselves in the services that we offer to young people through out West Lothian. You can find out about them all below.
Supporting people from Craigshill and surrounding areas struggling with food poverty.
Every Friday from 9:30-12:30pm - a £4 donation is required.
Children's Development Centre (next to SPARK)
The Mall, Livingston EH54 5EJ

A partnership project with WLDAS and CIRCLE.
This drug & alcohol diversion service is for young people ages 12 and over and their families who are experiencing challenges involving substances use, which may be impacting on:
Family life
Risk taking behaviour
General Health & wellbeing
Youth workers will carry caseloads providing 1-1 interventions and a diversionary approach to assist young people to make well informed and positive life choices. They will also develop strong supportive relationships with the whole family.
Staff will also deliver groupwork and early intervention and prevention education sessions as part of a partnership, improving knowledge and reducing the risk of harmful substance use among young people.
Individual support work for those young people identified by the Early and Effective Intervention System, a multi agency working group, as requiring worker intervention due to their involvement in low level crime or anti-social behaviour. We work closely with the police Juvenile Liaison Officer, Youth Justice Reporter and the Youth Justice Team.
Our work consists of initial assessments person centred and action focused work. We have many positive outcomes from this work – reduction in crime and substance use, improved attendance at school, securing college placements and employment, uptake in volunteering to name but a few.
A befriending service for isolated, vulnerable West Lothian young people aged 10 – 21 experiencing issues which affect their mental wellbeing. 1-1 support is provided by trained and vetted community volunteers, who support, encourage, and listen to their young people while engaging them in social and recreation opportunities.

To reduce social isolation
To increase levels of confidence & self-esteem
To engage young people in sustainable community activities
To improve communication skills
To help young people cope better emotionally
These groups have developed with targeted young people who have been identified by teachers, social workers and youth agency staff as requiring high levels of support either due to behavioural issues, poor attendance at school or involved in risk taking behaviour such as substance use.
The groups have been designed to specifically address and challenge the attitudes of young people in a supportive environment. The aims of these groups are to increase confidence, raise aspirations and provide young people with positive steps forward in their lives.
The Youth Action Project have launched a practical training programme, for 13 - 21 year olds, with support from Ethicon in the Community Projects. Participants will gain skills in basic joinery, painting and decorating and gardening, together with improved life and employability skills.
This project will target McMc young people, these being young people aged 16 -19 years old who are currently unemployed or not engaged in training programmes and are disengaged from other services.
Workshops and tuition sessions for young people with an interest in informal music making. This project has a 19 year history of providing quality tuition on guitar, drums, keyboard and DJ skills. Participants also gain skills in planning gigs/concerts, promotion and marketing skills with the chance to perform at live events.
Direct interventions with young people on the streets of West Lothian predominately on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Youth workers provide information and support on a wide range of issues to young people.
Key areas of note, or “hotspots” where young people are known to congregate, are identified in partnership with police analysts. This work results in staff having extensive knowledge of young people in West Lothian, particularly those most at risk or vulnerable.
This service provides a C-Card service from a mobile vehicle.
The Youth Action Project encourages and supports young people to participate in a variety of training programs that will enhance their career and personal development opportunities. For example First Aid, Child Protection, Health and Safety, Youth Achievement Awards and much more.
Our Street Work service offers young people and community members a chance to voice their opinions and feed information into the council, police and other services. You may see our vehicles and workers in your communities throughout the coming months. Please take the opportunity to speak to the street workers if you have a particular issue concerning young people in your local area or drop us a line or phone the office.
We encourage young people through our drop ins and workshops to take up new opportunities and challenges by getting involved with local communities and networks such as the youth congress where your views can be heard and acted upon. If you require further info please contact the office.