young lads take a break from the workshop

young lad in the workshop

young people help out in garden

young lads take a break from the workshop

The practical workshop base offers young people aged between 14-19 years of age with the opportunity to gain new skills, which will provide them with a good basis to move onto further training or assisting entry into vocational college courses.
The staff team work with the young people to develop programmes that interest them, we have held sessions in joinery, building planters and raised beds, furniture restoration, mountain bike repairs, graffiti artwork and several outdoor garden and landscaping projects. We also intend to add painting and decorating to the programme.
The project has worked with a number of young people since opening for business, many of these have moved onto positive destinations such as, college, employment or longer term placements. Full evaluation details are available from the Youth Action Project.
In recent months we have seen increased numbers of referrals from young people on activity agreements as the project offers these young people a flexible programme with support from youth workers who can also address the issues young people have with lack of confidence, drug and alcohol problems and often difficulties with literacy and numeracy.
Tooled Up provides an environment that offers young people an experience close to a professional workshop with rules, codes of conduct and Health and Safety procedures that must be adhered to. The close working relationship built with staff provides the supportive environment that many of these young people need before moving into the working world.
We have many referrals from schools, More Choices More Chances Team, Youth Justice, SDS and self referrals.
We are working hard to secure future funding for Tooled Up and to develop the project as a Social Enterprise Scheme.
If you would like anymore information regarding Tooled Up then please contact us on 01506431430
If you are interested in having your young person sign up to Tooled Up then please fill out our Youth Action Referral Form.